Clara Rosenkrantz
Jeg er født i Manaus, Brazil og vokset op med min danske mor på Christiania. fra tidlig barnsben blev jeg inspireret af den økologiske og eksotiske madkulter på fristaden. Efter mange års arbdejde i den gastrononiske scene i København. Er jeg nu kreativ direktør på et af Fyns ældste godser. Denne blog kommer til at omhandle mit virke med livet på landet, køkkenhave, foodlab og årets gang samt sæsoner på godset. Fra det simple til ekstravagante, undres og betages jeg af gastronomiens mangfoldige og altid overraskende verden.
Jeg håber du vil lade dig inspirere, bon appetit og god fornøjelse!
RAVIOLI WITH KANTARELLER As a starter for 4 or the main course to 2 1 pack fresh ravioli 250 g. Chanterelles, prepared They must be brushed free from the soil, moss and leaves of the forest. I burger a sponge brush, but a baking brush can also be used. Never rinse the fungi as they absorb the water and dissolve. 2 small shallots 1 clove of garlic 1/4 l. Whipped cream The reef is made of ½ eco-lemon Salt and pepper thyme Butter and oil for frying parmesan 1. Put a large pot of water over to the pasta. Salt the water to taste. 2. Chop the mustots and garlic nicely. Heat a pan and add a stick of butter and a little oil. The oil allows the butter to reach a higher temperature without burning. 3. When the forehead is warm, put the mushrooms over. Give it full gas with the heat. Mushrooms pour some liquid when they are heated and you should avoid lying and being boiled in this liquid - rather than fried. Then add onion and garlic and swirl it quickly. Add whipped cream and let it boil and reduce slightly (ie it boils a little so there is less liquid). It takes about 5-10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. 4. Finally, you will reach the pasta in the boiling water. It should boil for 2 minutes. Put the water in a sieve. Bowl lemon in the sauce. Turn the pasta into the sauce and serve with a spicy thyme and freshly baked parmesan.